
So...what do you do?

Ahhh networking...and the, what 'should' be an easy answer, that is actually more complex than you think....

I went to an "Un-Networking" event this week hosted by the oh-so-awesome SMRT Pop Ups team which sought to give local female entrepreneurs a chance to connect, share, and in some cases, just straight up practice answering the question "What do you do?"

The expected/easy answer for me?: We are a photography company that specializes in commercial, corporate and editorial photography.  

Even more broad? Well, we photograph people. People at work, people at play, and people doing the activities that matter most to them and their community.

But after taking some time to really think about it, I realized that still just didn't feel like it fully explains what we do. It felt flat to me, and it got me thinking about the reason we do the work we do...the reason we work specifically with businesses and organizations. 

Now that is because we love getting to the heart of WHY people do what they do.

We understand that we, as a society, crave connection. We crave authenticity and experience, and so when a business or organization wants to engage with their audience, the best way to do that is by personalizing themselves, and creating that actual human connection to their organization. By showcasing employees, or the people behind what you do, you can not only show your audience what you do, but more importantly, WHY you do it. 

As entrepreneurs ourselves, we love to celebrate  businesses and organizations and the people behind them that build our communities, that are providing for their families and that are making a difference in this world in their own unique way. We can connect with their experience, their struggles, and their determination, and so it's our job to then take that connection and create images that can reflect that back to a broader audience.

Needless to say, the event left me thinking a lot about our work here at GBP. About the complexities of it-the human connection and interpersonal skills it takes, the mix of both technical and artistic sides of our business that constantly keep us on our toes. It was a great night to reflect on not only WHAT we do, but the WHY we do it. And it's got us feeling pretty grateful to have such a strong community of entrepreneurs and community leaders that we get to hold up and celebrate.



Showcase your company: Creating a photo library

One of the most popular services we offer our clients, is creating photo libraries for them.

In order to stay current and relevant with online marketing, one of the most beneficial things for a company to do is to have a library of images that they can pull from on any given day. 

So instead of having a few standard shots that are used throughout different platforms, many of our clients instead are asking us to do a series of images, so that they have more to utilize over a longer period of time. In this way, they have a larger variety of media to choose from, and can therefore react to current events, or simply have better control over what media and images are highlighted over time.

We love this type of assignment as it really relies on our ability to shoot a variety of different scenarios and locations, but still retain a consistent look/feel for the client so their media is diverse but also cohesive all at the same time.  Sounds like a challenge!? We'll take it...

Today we thought we'd share a few examples from a recent photo library we created with the City of Whitehorse. It was so fun over the course of a few months to work with such a large variety of departments, in order to showcase the variety of work the employees do. From winter to summer, office work to heavy machinery, we got to highlight it all. 

If this is something you're interested in more of, give us a shout at and we can chat about how a photo library might be useful for you!


New websites need a new look!

We often get calls from clients when they're about to make a change in their marketing or promotion.

Whether they're starting a new business, doing a re-brand, or just starting off a new year, it's often a great time to re-visit their marketing materials and ensure they're as up to date and fresh as they need to be!

In one of our most recent shoots, our client Sarah contacted us as she was about to launch a new website for her lifestyle business, and wanted some more current photos to help populate the site. 

We wanted to ensure she had a variety of shots that feature her, as the lead consultant, and really focus on a fresh, healthy, and light feel as she works with helping people make lifestyle changes to help them deal with chronic pain.

The awesome team at the Birch and Bear helped us out by providing a great location for the indoor and patio shots, and then the Yukon River made for the perfect backdrop for some more casual outdoor looks.

Check them out! 




Product Photography, Yukon Styles!

Guys, we've discovered your next pair of boots...

We worked with the fine folks at Wayfare Woollens for both a model shoot, and a product shoot for their line of boots last month, and Brianne may or may not have left with a pair on her feet.

Our models were absolute troopers-willing to stand outside on a very cold day with us, but at least we knew their feet were warm! We did a number of different scenes throughout the day, and then finished off back at our studio to do the product shots.

If you want to check out some of their items (and we highly recommend them), go to: