
Conrad Portrait Session-GBP Creative Photography and Video

Alright, as promised, we have session two of our portraits with Megan Jensen to share with you today, and we are super stoked to see what you guys think!

So this portrait session was particularly special to Megan and her family, and we were SO honoured to have been able to do this for her....we won't bore you with the story of how it took us THREE attempts of driving out to Carcross to make it happen! (hints: road construction, then crazy rain storm, then third time was a charm!)

But the reason it was so important for us to get out to an area known as Conrad, just past Carcross is because it has such significance to Megan and her family.  On the way out there, Megan told us the entire story of how she was actually the first in her family in over 90 years to take part in a traditional coming of age ceremony where she stayed out at Conrad alone in her own camp for five days, receiving visits from various women in her family and community.  It was absolutely fascinating learning about all of the teachings she received while she was out there, and to see her go through the emotions of returning to that spot and sharing her stories with us.

We learned more in that one afternoon with Megan than we have from reading many-a-books! She has an incredible gift of sharing her family's traditions and knowledge, and so when we got to Conrad to do the shoot and we had Megan do her traditional drumming on the shore, it was an incredibly powerful experience.

Speaking of her drumming, I woke up the next morning singing her songs...they were stuck in my head for days! I unfortunately didn't sound nearly as good as she did...

So we wanted to share these images and send along another huge congratulations to Megan and her family for her recent graduation and thank you guys for having us be a part of such an incredibly special time in your lives.

It was truly an honour.