trail building

Dream Trail

It’s a bit of an understatement to say we’re grateful that our home is right here in the Yukon. We’ve always felt this way (I, Brianne was born and raised here, while Gary moved up from BC over 14 years ago now…) but this year especially we’ve got a whole new appreciation of the amazing community, and landscape we get to call home.

One of the many reasons we love it here is the incredible trail system and landscape we get to play on. Through biking and running, we get to explore mountains right outside our back door. So when we were asked to cover the trail crew who was building the new “Dream Trail” on Grey Mountain last summer, we were stoked as it gave us an opportunity to see some of the trail building team in action.

The Youth Achievement Centre (YAC) and City of Whitehorse trail crews are working over a 5 year period to build this trail, which will connect the end of Grey Mountain road, along the ridge with epic views 600 meters above Whitehorse, ending in a flowy dream down to the base of the mountain again.

Built by hand, the crews spend long days digging away, along with lead trail builder Joe de Graff. The plan is for it to a be a multi-use trail which will allow bikers, runners, and hikers alike to enjoy.

To say it’s hard work is an understatement. The team of city workers and YAC crews take a quick flight to the top in the morning, but then work a solid day on the trail before hiking out at the end.

It was so awesome getting to know the hard working crews behind these trails that we all get to enjoy-and we can’t wait to see what the final product will look like. From the previews we’ve gotten already…Dream trail certainly is a good fit for a name.

To read more about the crew and their process, check out the latest issue of Yukon, North of Ordinary Magazine!

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