In the studio: Family/Maternity Shoots

Alright, so the weather got a little crazy there for a while... -35 can be a bit trying, but we do live in the Yukon after all, so we're not complaining....and really, it just gives us even more excuses to do some work in the studio, where it's warm and coffee is always a flowin'...

So here's a few shots of one of our recent family shoots we did here in the GBP studio.  Matt and Michelle's adorable little guy (come on look at those baby blues!) is about to turn two and as you'll see, he's also got a little brother or sister coming along as well!

The beauty of working in studio with kids is that it gives them a good chance/space to get comfortable and just start to play and let their energy and personalities really show, which is our favorite part of working with these little guys.

So, hope you enjoy, and if you're ever looking for us during the next cold snap, you know where we'll be...